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Biosampling Bundles

Sit Well (Fecal Microbiome Kit)

Sit Well (Fecal Microbiome Kit)

Biosampling kit for stool microbiome data collection and stabilization of microbial DNA from feces.

This kit includes:

  • FDA-approved self-service stool microbiome biosampling device
  • Branded Sit Well packaging with a QR code to collect geospatial data and to view instructions
  • HazzyBag (FDA-approved shipping mailer for biosamples)
  • Virtual animated standard operating procedure (SOP)
  • Concierge live phone support

Device Information:

  • Benefits:
    • Improve donor compliance with intuitive and user-friendly collection
    • Minimize bias introduced by microbial growth and DNA degradation
    • Maintain DNA integrity in typical ambient temperature fluctuations (e.g., -20°C to 50°C) for 60 days
    • Eliminate the costs associated with temperature controlled shipping - no cold chain transportation required
    • Eliminate need for weighing and aliquot bias with a standard volumetric sample
    • Minimize noise in your data analysis with reliable microbiota profile that accurately represent the in vivo state
    • Standard sample input is ideal for manual or high-throughput, automated processing
    • Obtain high quality DNA suitable for 16S rRNA Microbiome profiling, Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing, qPCR and arrays
  • Contents:
    • Written instructions
    • Collector
    • Spatula
  • Product Specifications:
    • Pre-use with packaging:
      • Dimensions: 24.2 cm x 10.2 cm
      • Weight: 22.99 g
      • Shelf-life: 18 months
    • Collection device:
      • Height: 118.9 mm
      • Tube height: 92.5 mm
      • Tube diameter: 15.25 mm
      • Cap diameter: 18 mm
      • Net weight: 13.69 g
      • Storage conditions: 15°C–25°C
    • Median sample collected per kit: 520 ± 101 mg
    • Extractions per kit (250 μL per extraction): 8
    • Median DNA yield per extraction: 12 ± 1.49 μg (12.56 μg)
    • Microbiome profile stability at room temperature: 60 days

(Biosampling bundles must be purchased with a Bento Biology Box)

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